Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Let's Do This!

What if 100 individuals or families gave $30 each to change the lives in a community in Africa?
Join us as we do our part to bring water to a community and help fight Aids pandemic in Africa. Blood:Water Mission is committed to building 1000 wells in Africa, and with your help we'd like partner with them to build one of these wells.

It's estimated to cost $3000 to build a well. So, here's what we're asking each individual or family:

Give give $30 only! No more. Instead of giving more, invite others to join us in this project!

Let's do this!


Annett/ Fit Moms Fit Kids Club said...

I want to do this!!! This is Annett D. It's not a coincidence I came across this post. I was actually just thinking about this earlier this week, and how it's something I want to do. And, then I came across this! Thanks for having a heart, and being the hands and feet of Christ.

Unknown said...

Scot, Annett and I want to help. We will give you our $30 each, and spread the word. Who do people make their checks out to and where do they send it?